Data centers are playing an increasingly key role in the modern digital economy, but as demand for these critical ...
Data centers have sophisticated electrical connections and cooling systems. Companies need electricians to manage all of it, ...
Chevron is advancing plans to tap into data center power demand, with the oil major recently entering the permitting and ...
The growth in data centers is creating significant new demands on power generation in the United States, perhaps accounting ...
In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, the infrastructure supporting data processing is undergoing a significant ...
U.S. wind and solar development still has significant room for expansion to power data centers, particularly in the Midwest ...
What is we used all of the solar energy on Mars to power an AI data center? How many 1000-watt GPUs can be powered?
While many data centres have started using solar power as part of their energy sources, they still depend on grid energy ...
Duke says it will need to power at least 1.5 gigawatts of new data centers in the Carolinas by 2033. How is it reaching that ...
Things are moving forward with a data center that would be located near Penwell in west Ector County. New Era Helium Inc., an exploration and production company sourcing helium from natural gas ...
Without regulatory changes, data centers’ high demand for energy would be subsidized by taxpayers, according to a new study.
TAIPEI -- Global AI data centers could by 2030 consume 7% of the world's electricity -- about as much as India uses in a year ...