But there's a simple fix for this: it's WiFi Calling. Here's how to enable it on your iPhone. Produced by Corey Protin. Reporting by Antonio Villas-Boas. Follow TI: On Facebook More from Tech Many ...
Here's how to turn on Wi-Fi calling for Android devices: Once you have Wi-Fi calling enabled, any call made while connected to Wi-Fi will be made using the feature. You can confirm this by looking ...
To get Wi-Fi calling activated, from within the Settings app, select Cellular. In the event you have multiple SIM or eSIM ...
How to turn on Wi-Fi calling The exact way to turn on Wi-Fi calls on your phone will depend on what phone you have. Here's how to enable Wi-Fi calling on your iPhone or Android. 4. A pop-up will ...
Airtel has started rolling out Wi-Fi calling or Voice over Wi-Fi (VoWi-Fi) services in Delhi NCR. The service is available only to Airtel users in the circle who have an Airtel Broadband connection.
If you have a OnePlus smartphone and cannot wait for Jio to add Wi-Fi calling support for your device, there’s a workaround using which you can enable Wi-Fi calling on your device. To begin ...
Egypt launched on Monday the Wi-Fi Calling service, a new feature that enables users to make voice calls and send text ...
Both the phones and carrier infrastructure must support Wi-Fi calling, prioritizing voice over data in the real-time environment of voice. With a single mode phone, users make calls only within a ...
Metro Nashville Department of Emergency Communications reported late Wedesnday that an outage was impacting AT&T customers ...
By Malak Khaled The National Telecom Regulatory Authority (NTRA) in Egypt has officially launched the Wi-Fi Calling service ...
What is Wi-Fi Calling? Wi-Fi Calling is a feature that enables voice calls and SMSs to be transmitted over a Wi-Fi connection rather than the traditional mobile network. It is particularly useful ...