Coral reefs are very much the rainforests of the oceans. Not only are they diverse communities, but the coral skeletons - like trees - contain potentially long term records of climate. Aa Aa Aa ...
Coral reefs perform many important functions, such as buffering coastlines and providing habitat for one-fourth of all marine species. In the U.S. alone, these ecological services are worth an ...
Nearly a quarter of all ocean species rely on the reefs. William… Coral reefs across the globe once again endure mass bleaching amid warming oceans, scientists say Coral reef bleaching across ...
Tabulata and Rugosa are orders of extinct corals that have been taxonomically described for more than 170 years. They were ...
Students and staff at the UNCW center for marine science are part of research projects to protect and learn about coral reefs ...
Overfishing of sharks is linked to coral reef destruction. Without sharks, smaller fish stop eating coral-eating starfish.
Coral reefs perform many important functions, such as buffering coastlines and providing habitat for one-fourth of all marine species. In the U.S. alone, these ecological services are worth an ...