His St. John Passion is 300 years old, and it invites its listeners to grapple with those exact topics. In fact, when Bach ...
The collaboration of Dakota Pro Musica, Bismarck Mandan Civic Chorus, and the Bismarck Mandan Symphony Orchestra, is “historic” as Dr. Jason Thoms the founder of ...
Dakota Pro Musica, the Bismarck-Mandan Symphony Orchestra and the Bismarck-Mandan Civic Chorus will present J.S. Bach's St.
Under the direction of Masaaki Suzuki, the Japanese ensemble performs Bach's musical telling of the Passion of Christ as recounted in the Gospel of John. John Shea presents. Under the direction of ...
Bach walked 30 miles from Lüneburg to Hamburg to hear and meet the organist Johann Adam Reincken ... "Ruht wohl" from the St. John Passion. Listen again to Alison Balsom on Desert Island Discs.