The Middle School Mathematics Licensure Program is an innovative new track for non-math majors interested in teaching mathematics in the middle grades 6-8, an area of high demand across Colorado ...
The teacher licensure program for middle school mathematics is an innovative ... of Education master’s degree in curriculum and instruction while gaining teacher licensure in English education. As ...
The curriculum, Illustrative Math, places an emphasis on creating ... who’s using Illustrative Math for her seventh-grade students at a middle school in Brooklyn for the second year.
Middle school math struggles can signal that trouble ... Some teachers tout the benefits of the new digital curriculum, which automatically grades students’ tests and homework and tailors ...
the San Francisco Unified School District is adding algebra back into its eighth grade curriculum at a third of its middle schools starting next year. "For fun, you definitely don't do math.
Reading and math assessment scores for Stamford students improved in the middle of the school year and administrators are ...