Hearthstone's latest Great Dark Beyond expansion is all about the Draenei, bringing a host of Draenei-themed minion cards to the table along with a unique starship mechanic that seriously shakes ...
For the Into the Emerald Dream expansion, each class gets its own Wild God legendary card, along with its own Choose One card for the Druid flavor. The classes without the Imbue effect--Death Knight, ...
His Battlecry lets you Discover a minion from your deck and grant it a “Dark Gift.” "Dark Gift" is a new mechanic tied to the Nightmare theme, affecting cards from Warlock, Death Knight ...
1 Signature Malorne the Waywatcher Legendary minion, 1 random Golden Into the Emerald Dream Legendary card, 4 Tavern Tickets, and the Ysera Card Back and Druid Hero Skin! The Into the Emerald ...