The experiment aims to provide scientists an opportunity to examine the safety and physics of a molten chloride fast reactor ...
The Idaho National Laboratory (INL) has cleared a major hurdle in making a Generation IV nuclear reactor practical. Using a ...
After years of effort, the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) scientists have created fuel for the world’s first fast-spectrum molten salt reactor. The Molten Chloride Reactor Experiment (MCRE) will test ...
This experiment allows researchers and scientists to evaluate the safety and physics of a molten chloride fast reactor that Southern Company and TerraPower plan to build. This type of advanced ...
There are some potentially valid criticism about the Nuclear Salt Water Rocket (NSWR). The criticisms highlight real physical ...
South Korea’s largest shipbuilder, HD Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., is deepening its partnership with TerraPower LLC, the US nuclear venture firm founded ...
Scientists at the INL have found a new recipe for energy through their Molten Chloride Reactor Experiment (MCRE). The MCRE project is testing a new type of nuclear reactor that uses fuel made of a ...
despite using molten salt fuel. This fuel itself is standard low-enriched uranium (LEU) at <5% 235 U, the same as used in virtually every commercial reactor in use today. There are no fast ...
In addition, the molten salt fast reactor concept is being considered as a long term option. The most mature fast reactor technology, the sodium cooled fast reactor, has more than 400 reactor-years of ...
Initially developed in the 1950s, molten salt reactors have benefits in higher efficiencies and lower waste generation. Some designs do not require solid fuel, which eliminates the need for ...