In the process, their experiment included photons in 37 dimensions, taking science even further down this strange quantum ...
A team of physicists affiliated with multiple institutions in China has measured a pulse of light in 37 dimensions. In their ...
A paradox at the heart of quantum physics has been tested in an extraordinary fashion, pushing the boundaries of human ...
Scientists push the limits of quantum mechanics, discovering light particles that exist in 37 different dimensions.
A search for particles’ most paradoxical quantum states led researchers to construct a 37-dimensional experiment ...
Scientists have made a surprising discovery: they have managed to manipulate light particles in such a way that they can ...
Quantum spin liquids (QSLs) are fascinating and mysterious states of matter that have intrigued scientists for decades. First ...
The Swiss startup has found a way to allow qubits to move in all spatial directions like an aeroplane, instead of like cars ...
New quantum computing research reveals that black holes may not have chaotic singularities but structured quantum states, ...
Kelvin waves have been a mystery for decades but a new method involving superfluid helium-4 can help us control them.
One that should be easiest to solve involves modeling the behavior of some simple catalysts. The electrons of these catalysts ...