Void Rivals is just as exciting as The Walking Dead and Invincible, making it a must-read for fans of the prolific comic book ...
WARNING! Spoilers ahead for Void Rivals #17There is a new planet-devouring villain in the Transformersfranchise, as the ...
Invincible season 4 will give Conquest a bigger role, letting Robert Kirkman explore what the comics couldn't. Expect more ...
Transformers #1 and Void Rivals #1 get eleventh printings, now with sound chips, coming in September 2025, from Image Comics ...
Invincible fans got the return of a character that hasn't been seen in a while at the end of season three, and the creators ...
In a new interview with Variety, Invincible creator Robert Kirkman explained why Conquest was given a brand new monologue that was not a part of the original Image Comic. Not only did Kirkman ...
inspired by the Void Rivals comic series that started the Energon Transformers universe. Void Rivals #1 began the Energon Universe in June 2023 from co-creators Robert Kirkman and Lorenzo De Felici.
Batman Vs Transformers? We will wait to find out. But considering that given his experience at the publisher, Ben Abernathy wou;d most likely have been on a tidy sum at DC Comics, Robert Kirkman's ...
Whether or not Conquest arrives, Invincible Season 3 Episodes 7 and 8 are the “biggest episodes” the show has ever done.
He’d gathered over a dozen Mark Graysons from across the multiverse, setting up an iconic storyline from Robert Kirkman’s source material. I won’t spoil it too much, but the arc unleashes all of them ...
In August 2015, The Walking Dead comic writer Robert Kirkman announced that he would be winding up another of his titles, the superhero saga Invincible, with issue #144.