Wayang kulit are made from stiff thick water buffalo leather ... In doing so, you will gain an aprreciation for the powerful traditions and beautiful art styles brought to Canada by new Canadians from ...
Before the advent of modern cinema and television, Malaysians – especially those living on the East Coast – had long been accustomed to the art of wayang kulit, (shadow puppets) in their villages.
Petaling Jaya native Illya Sumanto’s passion for Wayang Kulit goes beyond performances. As a performing arts teacher in Chiang Mai, Thailand, she uses the art form as a tool to connect with ...
Jakarta - Is Yuniarto tak hanya dikenal sebagai komikus 'Garudayana' saja tapi juga sebagai pembuat wayang kulit 'Avengers'. Di Malaysia ada seniman yang juga membuat wayang kulit serupa. Lalu apa ...
The Museum of Asian Art received his first collection – nearly 80 wayang kulit puppets and instruments - in 1999, followed by a second collection later. The museum team has been documenting each ...
Heri Dono is a contemporary Indonesian artist known for his inventive mélange of traditional folk art with contemporary imagery. Throughout his practice, he combines diverse source material such as ...
“By creating female-led productions, we’re broadening the emotional range of Wayang Kulit and showing that it isn’t just a relic of the past—it’s a living, breathing art form that ...
Padahal, sebelumnya dalang kondang dari Yogya ini terkenal dengan jadwal pagelaran yang padat. Kini, kelir, wayang kulit, dan seperangkat gamelan kemudian dibungkus rapi. "Tiga bulan ini ya menganggur ...
Kolaborasi apik itu mengawali pergelaran wayang kulit dengan lakon Babad Lesanpuro. Didalangi Ki Sukron Suwondo, lakon tersebut bercerita mengenai konflik hutan atau Alas Lesanpuro yang akan dijadikan ...