If you've been wondering how to call someone and go straight to voicemail on an iPhone, we have a few methods for you to try.
Apple says it’s fixing a technical bug that caused its voice-to-text system to briefly replace the word “racist” with the word “Trump.” ...
and that update brought some bug fixes to your iPhone. But when Apple released iOS 16.4 in 2023, it introduced a feature that significantly improves the sound quality of your calls: Voice Isolation.
If you’re using another iOS device — iPhone, iPad, or iMac — you can also use Voice Memos to record a phone call. This usually comes standard with iOS. On your iPhone, navigate to Utilities ...
Louise Littlejohn said she was shocked and then laughed when she received the error strewn voicemail transcription.
You should always proceed with caution if you can't identify a caller. This is especially important if someone rings you and "No Caller ID" appears on the screen, as they have intentionally kept their ...
Apple’s iPhone voice-to-text feature is sparking controversy after a viral TikTok video showed a user speaking the word "racist," which at first showed up as "Trump" before switching back to ...
Apple said it is working on repairing a glitch after some iPhone users noticed that speaking the word “racist” into the voice-to-text feature causes it to write “Trump” before quickly swit ...
When using the iPhone's voice dictation feature, saying the word "racist" results in the word "Trump" being displayed briefly before the phone corrects itself back to "racist." Apple iPhone users ...
While Apple had already added Voice Isolation and Wide Spectrum to FaceTime calls with iOS 15 in 2021, only Voice Isolation is currently available for regular phone calls. When enabled ...
You have reached your maximum number of articles. Log in or create an account FREE of charge to continue reading. Apple’s iPhone voice-to-text feature is sparking controversy after a viral ...