You may also encounter a bug where your voicemails have all appeared to disappear, which can often be fixed with a simple ...
You can avoid accumulating voicemail by setting up call forwarding on your iPhone. You can dial a short code to quickly disable voicemail, but this method doesn't work for all carriers.
Louise Littlejohn said she was shocked and then laughed when she received the error strewn voicemail transcription.
A 66-year-old Scottish woman, Louise Littlejohn, recently got a voicemail transcription on her iPhone that left her in shock.
You should always proceed with caution if you can't identify a caller. This is especially important if someone rings you and "No Caller ID" appears on the screen, as they have intentionally kept their ...
What I wanted to write was a column asking when Vodacom was going to finally deliver two key iPhone services, both of which I could really use. These are Visual Voicemail and iPhone tethering.
You have reached your maximum number of articles. Log in or create an account FREE of charge to continue reading. Apple’s iPhone voice-to-text feature is sparking controversy after a viral ...
Apple said it is working on repairing a glitch after some iPhone users noticed that speaking the word “racist” into the voice-to-text feature causes it to write “Trump” before quickly swit ...
YouMail has launched its free Visual Voicemail Plus application for Apple's iPhone and Google's Android operating system. While iPhone users have had access to standard visual voicemail, YouMail's ...
Apple is working on fixing a glitch in its iPhone speech-to-text service that has drawn fire from supporters of President Donald Trump and conservative commentators. The bug briefly interprets the ...
How to set up voicemail on the Google Voice app on your phone The Android and iPhone Google Voice apps work almost exactly the same, so you can follow these steps to set up your voicemail no ...