Not only do you get 30,000 XP for every challenge you complete when playing Fortnite The Getaway, but you can also grab an ...
Fortnite is giving away a free Invincible skin Dupli-Kate to all players and here are all the quests you need to complete to ...
Well, they’re out and they look sick. To get them, you need to complete a series of Fortnite Metal Mouth and Zadie Challenges, that we will be guiding you through; so let’s get right into it.
Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1 has rolled into ... a reliable amount of XP in exchange for completing tasks. To get the challenge going, you must hire a specialist character. There are four ...
Fortnite players can cosplay as their favourite ... plus four mythic items (Katara’s Waterskin, Southern Water Tribe Club, Zuko’s Scabbard and Broadswords) for 3,200 V-Bucks.
In short, this new season of Fortnite brings a revamped map with enough new features to keep players interested. As usual, it is expected that with each patch within the season, there will be ...