Interested contributors have until 2 May 2025 to submit abstracts for scientific posters for the IAEA’s International Conference on Radiation Protection in Medicine — X Ray Vision .
The presence of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) at Ukraine’s nuclear power plants (NPPs) remains an “invaluable asset” for the international community and must be preserved, Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi told Member States after the completion of a delayed team rotation at the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP).
Out of 147, three incidents reported in 2024 were likely related to trafficking or malicious use, and there was insufficient information to determine the intent of 21 other incidents. Furthermore, 123 incidents were not connected to trafficking or malicious use but most likely resulted from unauthorized disposal,
The IAEA Director General reminded the Agency’s Board of Governors today of the precarious nuclear safety situation in Ukraine, and discussed his trip to Fukushima, developments with Iran, reaching gender parity at the IAEA and more.
The IAEA’s International Nuclear Information System, a multi-million strong digital library, has been further strengthened with addition of a modern repository platform – that offers full text search for the first time.
The IAEA profiles employees to provide insight into the variety of career paths that support the Agency’s mission of Atoms for Peace and Development and to inspire and encourage readers, particularly women, to pursue careers in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) or STEM-adjacent fields. Read more profiles of women at the IAEA.
Sumitomo Corporation is a Japanese integrated trading and business investment company, with 125 offices in 63 countries. Sumitomo Corporation Group consists of around 900 companies and 80,000 employees, covering a wide range of fields, including energy transformation.
An IAEA team of experts visited the candidate site of Ghana’s first nuclear power plant during a Site and External Events Design Review Service mission. (Photo: Nuclear Power Ghana)
Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas produced from the decay of uranium in minerals and rocks. It can accumulate in workplaces — for example, in offices, underground locations and industrial premises involving the processing of naturally occurring radioactive material ( NORM) — and is the second leading cause of lung cancer worldwide.
The IAEA Director General has been in Japan this week, supporting local efforts to enhance nuclear safety and environmental remediation, as the country prepares to restart its nuclear power plants closed since the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident.
Hungary has been an IAEA Member State since 1957. Its 2024-2029 CPF identifies 5 priority areas: Sustainability of Nuclear Institutions and Nuclear Knowledge Management