Chaser didn’t just learn the names of more than 1,000 objects—she also learned verbs, according to a USA Today article about ...
Some high schools that once took a “college for all” approach are now guiding teenagers toward more choices. Do you think that is a good idea? By Shannon Doyne Look closely at this image ...
Alec Baldwin apologised for his angry voicemail to his ... recorded on the girl's answering machine, Baldwin, 49, ranted: "You are a rude, thoughtless little pig. You don't have the brains or ...
The director Catherine Gund fuses work from multiple artists with archival footage and interviews to craft an exploration of Black resilience. By Alissa Wilkinson In this coming-of-age drama from ...
“Birds of Prey.” Check it out below and read our interview with Nathan Reusch about his musical project and the Record Machine’s new imprint. The Pitch: What led you to make your own music after so ...
Jan. 28, 2025 — A team of stem cell scientists have successfully used embryonic stem cell engineering to create a bi-paternal mouse -- a mouse with two male parents -- that lived until adulthood ...
The use of live animals in research presents many additional risks to workers. Comprised of researchers, veterinarian, biosafety experts, statisticians, community members, and other UVM administrative ...
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