Hilary Mantel’s “The Mirror and the Light,” a new “Bridget Jones” and Michael Bond’s Paddington Bear series are some of this ...
Yet her book is no "Luddite manifesto": she acknowledges the benefits that digital technology has brought, such as being able to stay in touch with family members overseas. The real task, she says, is ...
Learn Microsoft’s best practices for implementing AI skill-building initiatives to develop crucial AI skills for organizational transformation.
Another all-time favorite book, assigned to me during a leadership training program was “Soar with Your Strengths.” This classic by Donald O. Clifton, past chairman of the Gallup organization, ...
A Way of Being," explores creativity as a universal trait, not just for artists. It offers insights for business innovators on embracing risk, process over product, and finding joy in work.
Nora Roberts is so prolific she had to take up a pen name so her publisher could release more books by her each year. “I’m a fast writer,” Roberts told The Associated Press in a ...