Any parent knows kids need places to play. Some parents on the South Side find themselves traveling north to find fun, free activities.
The first Medal of Honor earned by an African American, and some of the slave shackles that they have on display, just poignant pieces of American history,” Davis said.
ROANOKE, Va – Community members gathered tonight to discuss the history of gentrification in Roanoke. Gentrification is when ...
When Grace Hamilton, cloaked in the moniker Spice, strides into schoolyards to court the young, she becomes suddenly ‘decent’ ...
Black men whose courage, dedication, and success helped pave the way toward integration of the United States Armed Forces. In ...
COFO. It stands for the Council of Federated Organizations and while many of you have never heard of it, COFO is an ...
The Park Authority has many buildings that have historic significance. Each year, they strive to tell the stories of the men ...