In the vast urban sprawl of Arizona, the habitat of the tiny western burrowing owl is being destroyed—prompting ...
They appeared at dusk. The day was ending in a pink-and-yellow sky when a cub moved in the grass. Its mother appeared next, red as the earth, small, slender. Krahô-Kanela is an experienced mom, having ...
In Central Australia, the Tjakuṟa (great desert skink, Liopholis kintorei) is a culturally important species for Tjukurpa—the ...
I wanted to offer a suggestion for future articles on this subject: a deeper exploration of what it means that prairie dogs are a keystone species. While you briefly mentioned their status as such, ...
The ladies of Women Against Cane Toads take matters into their own hands, going toad hunting to try and reduce the number of ...
Haven Dutro, animal control manager at Humane Indiana Wildlife in Valparaiso, brings out South Shore Sally, a female ...
Coyote sighting seem to be more frequent this time of year, including in Somerville and Cambridge, and though they are most ...
What animals live in the coldest areas of the planet? We've done the research! Meet the animals thriving in earth's polar ...
COUNTY NEWS RELEASE The Risk of Rabies The rabies virus is usually transmitted through a bite or scratches. Animals most ...
The groundhog (Marmota monax), a.k.a. the woodchuck, is celebrated in folklore and cinema. Each year on February 2 America’s most most famous groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, becomes a weather ...