A fox was found hanging by its leg after getting caught in a football goal net. The RSPCA was called to a garden in Elsa Road, Welling, on January 27, after the fox was found struggling to break free.
In the vast urban sprawl of Arizona, the habitat of the tiny western burrowing owl is being destroyed—prompting ...
Desert animals adapt by eating water-storing plants or opportunistically feeding on moisture-rich insects and small animals ...
In Central Australia, the Tjakuṟa (great desert skink, Liopholis kintorei) is a culturally important species for Tjukurpa—the ...
The groundhog (Marmota monax), a.k.a. the woodchuck, is celebrated in folklore and cinema. Each year on February 2 America’s most most famous groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, becomes a weather ...