The Bink bottle is the latest to take over the internet. But does social media have a reusable water bottle problem?
Spring means outdoor festivals, concert, and sports events. Here's how you can bring those recycling habits you practice at home with you.
Every time you take a sip from your water bottle, you are depositing bacteria inside and over the course of a day these can ...
Water is really good for you! But plastic water bottles aren't—and they're bad for the planet too. You already know that you ...
Much like recent EU legislation which required all plastic bottles to have caps ... argue indefinitely as to which straw materials are worse (reuseable metal or glass straws require water and ...
Much like recent EU legislation which required all plastic bottles to have caps ... argue indefinitely as to which straw materials are worse (reuseable metal or glass straws require water and ...
"Seems much easier to tell with glass straws cuz [they're] see-through." User sparks debate after sharing photo of unusual drinking straws: 'The texture hits different' first appeared on The Cool Down ...
They might still need straws. Single-use bottles are unnecessary. We should learn from Germany's glass bottle reuse system and set up circular loops of production and distribution. While some ...
Widespread confusion about the recycling requirements means that many sustainably minded people toss items in the ...
A SCIENTIST has finally revealed why Coke tastes so good from a glass bottle compared to plastic and cans. But Coke from a McDonald’s is even better despite coming from paper cups because of ...