PHOENIX — Jesse Owens was a record-breaking athlete who gained international fame, breaking barriers in the 1936 Olympics in Nazi Germany. But for Gina Hemphill-Strachan, the Medal of Freedom ...
Never mind that Johnson actually married Cameron later that same year. In 1936, Olympian Jesse Owens won four gold medals in Berlin. Avery Brundage, the president of both the U.S. Olympic ...
On top of that, Jesse Love is doing things that Sheldon Creed couldn’t do in the No. 2 car. Let’s just point out the elephant in the room. Love has two career wins at RCR in less than two full ...
Jesse Lovesimply responded, “[Scoreboard] buddy.” P6 for Love to P12 speaks for itself, to be honest. On top of that, Jesse Love is doing things that Sheldon Creed couldn’t do in the No. 2 car.
It was 1962 when Casey Stengel predicted man would touch the moon before the Mets won the World Series. By February 1965, Mars looked like a lock, too. Each of the Mets’ first three seasons of ...
Some high schools that once took a “college for all” approach are now guiding teenagers toward more choices. Do you think that is a good idea? By Shannon Doyne Look closely at this image ...
Nicki Waterman suggests linking up with a 'walking buddy'. 'If you have a commitment to meet a friend for that walk, you are less likely to cancel. Whereas if you are planning to walk on your own ...
(WFRV)- March is Pet Poison Prevention Month. In this segment, Dr. Becky Krull from Buddy’s Vets discusses what items are poisonous to pets, the steps you can take to avoid them from eating ...
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