Earlier this month, in a clever bit of promo, Will Smith made it look like he might be starring in a reboot of The Matrix, years after turning down the role of Neo that would ultimately be ...
Will Smith reveals his biggest regret in new The Matrix-inspired music video - Rapper and actor teamed up with Big Sean for ...
Will Smith made a bold decision to eliminate one of his two biggest regrets in life with his latest venture.On Thursday, ...
Will Smith has announced his first album since 2005, releasing a “Matrix”-themed music video in a nod to his biggest career ...
Will Smith plays Neo in a new Matrix-inspired music video for his song ‘Beautiful Scars,’ a collaboration with rapper Big Sean and OBanga.
"In 1997, the Wachowskis offered Will Smith the role of Neo in The Matrix. Smith turned it down," Smith's video began. "He ...
Will Smith has returned to music with his new single Beautiful Scars, reflecting on his decision to turn down the lead role in The Matrix. The music video features heavy references to the film and ...
Will Smith and Big Sean have teamed up on the single 'Beautiful Scars' and shared its The Matrix-themed video.