Poista laite monivaiheisen tunnistautumisen välineenä, jos laitetta on siihen käytetty. Tällainen on esimerkiksi OP:n Mobiiliavain tai Nordea ID. Viimeisenä ennen laitteen kierrätykseen viemistä, on ...
The Finnish payments market is witnessing significant transformation as leading banks OP Financial Group and Nordea launch new mobile payment services, responding to increasing digitalization and ...
Kiera Laite, a junior at Mariemont, holds the highest score in the city for each of the four events: bars, beam, floor and vault. In fact, she owns the highest five scores on the vault ...
IDV, KYC and AML companies are making deals from Europe and Africa to Asia, including collaborations designed to boost the ...
Siirto has previously been available to customers of both banks as a means of transferring money, but on 11 February Finland's competition authority approved the further expansion of the service — ...
Mariemont's Kiera Laite earned an 8.9 for her vault routine performed at the Cincinnati Country Day Invitational Jan. 11. Provided by Gail Maundrell Reading's Gage Murphy talks about his come-from ...
In less than a month, Volkswagen will unveil its smallest and most affordable electric car from its ID lineup. The new EV is expected to hit the market as the ID.1, starting at around €20,000 ...
Poliisi tutkii vuosittain tuhansien matkapuhelinten ja muiden laitteiden sisältöjä rikostutkinnoissa. Kynnys laite-etsintöihin voi nousta pian, jos oikeusministeriön valmistelema lakiluonnos toteutuu.
Usein niihin liittyy putoaminen tai kaatuminen. Onnettomuustutkintakeskus tutkii parhaillaan Seinäjoen keskussairaalassa tapahtunutta potilaan kuolemaa, jossa elintoimintoja mittaava laite ei ...
Volkswagen has unveiled the ID.Every1 electric hatch concept car The concept previews a Mini Cooper rival due in 2027 with a price tag of about 20,000 euros The concept is based on a low-cost ...