March 25, 1975 Altoona purchased the two-story office building directly across the alley from City Hall to move the solicitor’s and planning offices into it. It was purchased from attorney Leo Mullen ...
Alton's Who's New Club held a spring fashion show featuring children's clothing from Lytton's Department Store.
Rocket City Hot Wheelers Diecast Show - The Huge Diecast Show will take place in Huntsville on March 22 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
On Monday, the Scottsboro City Council had a double meeting. First was the council meeting, with seven items on the agenda.
SCOTTSBORO, Ala. (WHNT) — The Scottsboro City Council approved Greg Godfrey to be the city’s next Chief of Police. During a city council meeting Monday night, Chief Ron Latimer was recognized by the ...