A Superior Court judge ruled that the state's lawsuit tied to the failure of the Washington Bridge can continue.
A Washington bill would authorize the state to issue up to $1.6 billion in bonds to expedite the construction of a new ...
A lahar (a destructive mudflow of volcanic ash, rock, water and ice that can flow down a volcano's slopes) from the volcano ...
RIDOT crews finished tearing down the old superstructure of the Washington Bridge, which was the main portion drivers used to ...
The Rhode Island Department of Transportation, marking a milestone on the Washington Bridge demolition work, while also ...
Metal Twp. will get $350,000 to repair Creek Road, and Washington Twp. will get just over $354,000 to replace the long-closed ...
The Rhode Island Department of Transportation said that controlled demolition of the Washington Bridge will continue on Feb.
Proposed federal budget cuts have created uncertainty over the status of the $6 billion Interstate Bridge replacement project ...
Washington law specifies that tolls only go toward the bridge replacement project and not subsidize any Oregon toll ...
The Trump administration’s threats along the increasingly militarized Texas border can’t overshadow a century-old celebration ...