When President Donald Trump pulled William McKinley from the outer reaches of American history and hailed his presidency as a model for today’s U.S. leadership, he harked back to the far-distant era ...
President William McKinley is having his biggest moment since 1928, when his face was printed on the $500 bill. For the last ...
It is made for the American people and American interests.” Seven years later, when McKinley was in the Oval Office, he ...
In the 1890s, our country was probably the wealthiest it ever was because it was a system of tariffs. We had a president, you ...
prosperity, national pride, and the American ascendancy. And it is perhaps appropriate that, in pursuing his heady aims, he should single out for praise and guidance William McKinley of Ohio — a ...
Since President William McKinley’s once-upon-a-time mediocrity ... Union and NAFTA have produced both economic efficiency and prosperity for their respective regions. And while Trump hasn ...
In the weeks leading up to the recent presidential inauguration in Washington, this country and an anxious world expected many different things from what ...
President Trump idealizes the Gilded Age, seeing high tariffs as key to economic prosperity, despite the era's inequalities ...