GOP attorneys general want to undo 52 years of legal rights because a key portion of disability law was recently expanded to ...
Amid a public backlash over the potential loss of disability protections, 17 Republican state attorneys general submitted a new court filing Thursday to clarify their position in a lawsuit that seeks ...
The push by Republican attorneys general in 17 states to strike down part of a federal law that protects disabled people from ...
Families across Ohio are urging Attorney General Dave Yost to oppose a lawsuit that could jeopardize disability protections ...
In an updated filing submitted Wednesday, the 17 state attorneys general who joined the suit clarified it was not their ...
Filed by 17 state attorneys general, the lawsuit targets trans people by undermining a core pillar of disability rights.
South Carolina and 16 other states have updated a lawsuit against a Biden-era change to Section 504 designed to reassure that ...
South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson filed a court update clarifying his position regarding Section 504.
Citing his ongoing opposition to Biden-era "woke" gender ideology, SC's attorney general carries on with legal challenge to ...
Over a dozen states are seeking to invalidate one of the nation's key disability rights laws, advocates are warning, ...
On Wednesday evening, 17 states who filed a lawsuit concerning Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act told the judge that they do not want to get rid of the statute and the protections it provides.