Os principais players do segmento gastaram R$ 24,3 bi nos primeiros nove meses de 2024, ante R$ 24,5 bi no mesmo período de 2023.
Analysis, reports, news and interviews about your industry in English, Spanish and Portuguese.
The goal is to ensure that more than 1.74 million homes in the country have energy at a lower cost.
Distribución de Gas Natural Fotovoltaico GLP Programas de Gobierno Impuestos y Subsidios Sistemas de Electrificación Rural ...
Análisis, reportajes, noticias y entrevistas sobre tu industria en inglés, español y portugués.
BNamericas analiza el Plan Nacional de Energía 2055, publicado por la empresa federal de investigación energética EPE.
Subsequent to the April MRE, the Company has completed an additional 200 drill holes totalling 56,887 meters which will provide additional data for the ...
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Duas empresas pretendem desenvolver um terminal de exportação de GNL no porto de Coatzacoalcos, de acordo com relatório da ...
The main players in the segment spent 24.3bn reais (US$4bn) in the first nine months of 2024, compared to 24.5bn reais in the ...
39,000+ global companies doing business in the region. Analysis, reports, news and interviews about your industry in English, Spanish and Portuguese.
Insira a posição que você ocupa Presidente ou Gerente Geral Vice-presidente ou Diretor Gerente ou Subgerente Vendas, ...