This short animation traces one of the interpretations of the Mithras legend based on archaeological research.
A person interested in history and social, political and economic historical developments.
Of Gallic origin (among the Bituriges). Together with other syndexioi, he offered the remarkable bifacial relief of Dieburg. The inscription mentions two craftsmen brothers, one a sculptor and the ...
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The remains of the Mithraeum of Aosta, also known as the Mitreo di Augusta Praetoria, were discovered in 1953 in insula 59, in a commercial district of the ancient city. Amelia Carolina Sparavigna, ...
In the centre of Aosta, on the edge of the busy Via Festaz, there is a recreational area known as ’Liliana Brivio’, which contains a site of archaeological interest. It corresponds to part of Insulae ...
Prof. of French Literature, Text and Image.
Acta diurna is our Mithraic social stream for keeping up to date with what is happening in The New Mithraeum.
Flavius Lucilianus was a public horseman eques publicus who served as consul in Aveia Vestina under the emperor Caracalla. Together with another eques publicus, Titus Avidiaccus Furianus, he completed ...
Daily Gazette Acta diurna is our Mithraic social stream for keeping up to date with what is happening in The New Mithraeum.
Over the course of the second century CE, worship of the Persianate god Mithras swept across the whole of the Roman Empire. With its distinctive traces preserved in the material record—including ...