Editor’s Note: Lost in Austin: The Evolution of an American City, by longtime Observer contributor Alex Hannaford, will be ...
Texans are organizing inside and outside of prisons to empower incarcerated workers, who labor in dangerous conditions ...
The Observer brings you notes from across Texas.
As co-editors of the Texas Observer, Kaye Northcott and Molly Ivins used humor and embedded themselves in the feminist movement.
Articles preferably include Texas Observer alongside author byline (first name last name/Texas Observer).
The condemned Texas man was convicted of killing his daughter in 2003 based on an outdated ‘shaken baby syndrome’ diagnostic process.
Bipartisan Legislators Join Calls for Clemency for Robert Roberson . The condemned Texas man was convicted of killing his daughter in 2003 based on an outdated ‘shaken baby synd ...
A new book takes aim at the seemingly unchecked power of America’s gun-toting sheriffs. Get our latest in-depth reporting straight to your inbox.
The pipeline’s owner is “the same company that got $2.4 billion richer when Texans froze to death during Uri,” one activist ...