Colorful, modern, and dynamic, Harajuku fashion is the reflection of Japan’s latest trends! But how did Harajuku fashion come ...
Miso Grilled Pork Chops And Pure Natural Shaved Ice: Must-Have Delicacies in Nagatoro in Chichibu, Saitama! Let us introduce you to the best of Japan through our free newsletter: sightseeing spots, ...
Catch a YOKOHAMA DeNA BAYSTARS game for an authentic taste of Japanese baseball culture at Yokohama Stadium! Make the most of ...
Miyazaki Prefecture is one of Japan’s most underrated gems, located on the southern tip of Kyushu, where visitors can experience a perfect blend of stunning coastal landscapes, sacred shrines, rich ...
From a niche hobby to global phenomenon, more travelers than ever are visiting Japan to enjoy anime and manga culture on its hometurf. While most flock to Akihabara, Japan’s snowy northwestern region ...
日本經典麵食之一烏龍麵,在日本各地有各式各樣因應地區變化的款式,烏龍麵成為一年四季都能品嚐的美味午餐或晚餐。在這篇文章中,要介紹關於受人喜愛的日本烏龍麵的一切,包括不同的 ...
If you enjoy the content we make on tsunagu Japan, subscribe to our free newsletter to be some of the first to read our latest updates! We'll also introduce you to our top picks for sightseeing spots, ...
位於京都宇治的平等院鳳凰堂,不僅是舉世聞名的世界遺產,連日圓十塊銅板到萬圓大鈔都看得到它的蹤影。而這座平安時代美學的顛峰,不僅是一座華麗的建築而已,它背後所蘊含的思想背景 ...
神奈川縣緊鄰東京,地理位置佳交通便利、依山傍海擁有豐富自然資源。不僅美景隨處可見,這些景緻更常出現在電視劇與電影中,還有許多美麗好拍的打卡景點。這次將以橫濱、鎌倉、江之島 ...
在日本旅行的一大樂趣,是在豐富的自然資源中尋找獨特的體驗!在深山中的偏僻山谷,可以遇到日本雪猴在冰柱和雪堆環繞、熱氣騰騰的溫泉中快樂地放鬆。野生猴子通常不容易近距離觀察 ...