The Pokémon anime has been around for a very long time – almost 30 years. Its (former) protagonist, Ash Ketchum, has amassed ...
A new Pokemon Gen 10 leak has revealed two different versions in the works: a Nintendo Switch 2 version and a Switch version.
One of my favorite tracks in Mario Kart 8 is Hyrule Circuit. The inventive course cuts through Hyrule Castle which houses the Master Sword at its center, and instead of featuring the standard gold ...
Mario Kart 9 is the perfect opportunity to bring the spotlight to forgotten characters and show fans what they are missing.
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet are in desperate need of upgrades and fans think the Nintendo Switch 2 might be the answer.
Grab yourself a pass for the Pokémon Go Tour and collect more rewards during the Unova-themed event, coming to a city near ...
According to information from the Game Freak hacker, as shared by Centro Leaks, it appears as though Pokemon Generation 10 is ...
New Pokemon leaks reveal some interesting plans for Generation 10 including that the games may launch on the base Nintendo Switch.
You need 50 Shroodle Candy to evolve Shroodle into Grafaiai in Pokémon Go. The traditional amount for a Pokémon with only one ...
Fashion Week returns to. Here you'll learn about the Fashion Week Collection Challenges, Fashion Week: Taken Over and the new ...