It comes from reaching out.” Why is Hanukkah so late this year? The simple answer is that the Jewish calendar is based on ...
The Jewish calendar system is very intricate but can be summed up with a few rules, said Rabbi Baruch Fogel, a Judaic studies lecturer at Touro University in Manhattan: "Each month is either 29 or ...
The two holidays also happened on the same day in 1959, 1921 and 1910. The Hebrew calendar is different from the Gregorian calendar, which is the primary dating system of the Western world.
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In a BBC Arabic program, Naftali talked about living in Kuwait as convert while having to keep his Jewish faith a secret, especially coming from a family of devout Muslims. He also expressed ...
He took me to a Chabad house for a Friday night dinner, and from there, I was so intrigued that I ended up going to Jewish classes and decided to convert through an Orthodox beit din.
Aish expresses a traditional Jewish view of the matter on its website. “It would be discriminatory for Judaism to proselytize and try to convert those not of the religion,” an article on the ...