The Polish Prosecutor-General's Office has launched an investigation into Prime Minister Donald Tusk after the head of the ...
Były premier Leszek Miller: - Ukraińcy będą chcieli wywrzeć wpływ na wybory w Polsce. - Płonące obiekty zrzuca się na agentów ...
W 1988 roku przyjąłem propozycję zostania członkiem Biura Politycznego PZPR, ponieważ rozumiałem, że generał Jaruzelski potrzebuje wokół siebie osób, które będą ...
Krzysztof Stanowski is running for president of Poland. Journalist who is also a youtube sensation made headlines as he goes for poland leader role ...
WARSAW - Journalist Krzysztof Stanowski, who has become popular in Poland in recent years for his investigations and interviews, announced his candidacy for the presidential election on 18 May.
Europa była, jest i będzie wielka - powiedział 22 stycznia podczas debaty w Parlamencie Europejskim premier polskiego rządu Donald Tusk. Oznajmił też, że ceny energii w Europie są nieakceptowalne i w ...
Sir Keir Starmer will travel to Poland on Friday for negotiations with Donald Tusk on a new defence and security deal. The Prime Minister will meet his Polish counterpart in Warsaw for talks on ...
Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk said on Wednesday Russia had planned acts of "air terror" against airlines worldwide, accusing Moscow of staging sabotage and diversion on Polish soil and beyond.
Rosja planowała także akty terroru powietrznego i to nie tylko wobec Polski, ale linii lotniczych na całym świecie – powiedział Donald Tusk na konferencji prasowej. Zarzuty odrzucił ...
"I will not go into details, I can only confirm the validity of fears that Russia was planning acts of air terror, not only against Poland but against airlines around the world," Donald Tusk told ...
Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk claimed that Russia carried out what he described as "air terror" against airlines in Poland and other countries. Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk speaks during ...
The Russian embassy in Warsaw and the Russian foreign ministry did not reply to requests for comment on Mr Tusk’s statement. Elsewhere during the conference, Mr Tusk vowed to use his country’s ...