LG has also unveiled a successor to its CineBeam Q, with the S model also coming in as the company's smallest ultra-short-throw 4K projector – measuring 110 x 160 x 160 mm (4.3 x 6.3 x 6.3 in).
Piece of crap. Don't waste your money on LG. Just give an old "dumb" washer I can count on for decades like the products we used to be able to buy.
LG's first Android phone for Sprint. This CDMA smartphone is notable for including a mobile hotspot feature that lets nearby Wi-Fi devices share the phone's Internet connection. Other features are ...
Smart Wi-Fi Enabled Electric Range with EasyClean®. Within the first 9 months of owning this stove, I've had LG repair technician out three (3) times to try and fix this stove. There is one ...
Founded in Seoul in 1958 as GoldStar, LG Electronics today makes home appliances, mobiles, tablets, and televisions. LG launched its first Android smartphone in 2009, and its first Android tablet in ...
Founded in Seoul in 1958 as GoldStar, LG Electronics today makes home appliances, mobiles, tablets, and televisions. LG launched its first Android smartphone in 2009, and its first Android tablet in ...