The ideal candidate is a radionuclide that is purely produced by the s-process and does not have pollutions from other nucleosynthesis processes. The "s-only" nucleus 205 Pb is the sole candidate that ...
Today: While Stonehenge is an ancient burial ground visited by religious people for thousands of years, MIThenge is an ...
The Big Bang theory suggests that the universe began as a hot, dense point, expanding into the cosmos we observe today.
Most of the diverse elements in the universe come from supernovae. We are, quite literally, made of the dust of those ...
Today: The two meteor showers centered in the constellation Taurus peak this week and next. That means there will be ...
The article is titled "Hydrodynamics and Nucleosynthesis of Jet-Driven Supernovae II: Comparisons with Abundances of Extremely Metal-Poor Galaxies and Constraints on Supernova Progenitors." ...