“Wolf Man” tells the story of Blake Lovell (Christopher Abbott), his wife Charlotte (Julia Garner) and their daughter Ginger ...
Leigh Whannell’s Wolf Man manages to strip the genre of its last shreds of dignity, replacing suspense with an onslaught of gore and nonsense.
Goodness Gracious, this is one of the worst werewolf movies I've ever seen. While Leigh Whannell does a great job directing ...
The Invisible Man’ director Leigh Whannell transforms the ‘Wolf Man’ into a story of a guy trying to avoid turning into his ...
After Wolf Man, Leigh Whannell has the potential to direct even more reboots of monsters, including Pumpkinhead, The Gillman, ...
A concept artist who worked on Leigh Whannell's Wolf Man has unveiled some of his alternate designs for the titular monster. Are they better, or worse? Have a look and let us ...
Review - Australian writer-director Leigh Whannell takes a crack at a famous monster - and finds something new, Dan Slevin ...
Corbet’s complex Brutalist rewards the patient Brady Corbet's The Brutalist is an anomaly in the current cinematic landscape.
Wolf Man' reminds us that the best monsters are the ones that mirror our deepest fears—and our capacity to survive them.
When speaking to The New York Times about the titular character's changes, director Leigh Whannell revealed, "I had this idea of the camera moving around the room and suddenly what seemed like ...