A bunch of yellow lilies of the valley, selectively fertilized to achieve their vibrant color. Bouquets can be placed within select vases for display in estates.
Born of Allagan ingenuity, this aetherochemical oil can be applied to metal to lower its aetherial conductivity. Available for Purchase with gil No Attributes ...
Good for a single journey through the aetheryte network. [Collected in place of gil when using the Teleport command.] ...
A shard of aetheryte which can be attuned to new adventurers, allowing for swift travel to their side in times of need.
A rare material acquired by the Boutique of Splendors from one of Norvrandt's eclectic collectors. Required to enhance an augmented splendorous tool.
振付師が記した演技教本 [使用すると特定のエモートを修得する] ...
Final Fantasy XIV’s latest expansion, Endwalker, has been out for some time, but you might still be working your way through the main scenario quests. Maybe you started at launch and got ...
This bottle is holding what appears to be a particularly valuable leather map. ※Use the action Decipher to extract the map and examine its contents. ※Level 70 full party (eight players) recommended.
When planning a playthrough in one of the many games in the Pokemon series, players often need to take into account what Hidden Machines (HMs) their P ...
Pewter? I barely know her! ※For collectable submissions only.
The skybuilders are known for plying their trade by applying plies to provide supplies of plywood. Now try saying that ten times fast with a mouthful of porridge.
A record of truths and somewhat exaggerated stories surrounding the creatures kept in Asphodelos. Copies of the same volumes can be traded for special gear.