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A person interested in history and social, political and economic historical developments.
A certain Terentius Priscus Eucheta, who had been initiated and cured, thanks the invincible god Navarze [Nabarze] for granting his wish. Note that this text gives b(oti) for v(oti) and Navarze for ...
Regio I - Mitreo Fagan - Ostia-Antica.org Alain Blomart (1995) Frugifer : Une divinité mithraique léontocéphale décrite par Arnobe Arnobius (310) Adversus nationes (Against the Pagans) The marble Aion ...
This marble relief of Cautes was found in 1863 in Sisak, Croatia. Urbicus / Sisci/ano/rum.
Film in German describing the Mithras relief from Dieburg as part of the design and staging of the Mithraeum in Museum Schloss Fechenbach, Dieburg.
A standing half naked man makes offerings to an altar while holding a cornucopia in his other hand. D(eo) I(nvicto) M(ithrae) // Priscinius Sedulius / Primulus ...
Of Gallic origin (among the Bituriges). Together with other syndexioi, he offered the remarkable bifacial relief of Dieburg. The inscription mentions two craftsmen brothers, one a sculptor and the ...
The membership list of this cult includes two men classified as probable municipal freedmen of Sentinum. Sentin(as) Ianuarius was the high priest pater leonum recorded in Column I, Line 5, and then ...
The secretive Mysteries conducted at Eleusis in Greece for nearly two millennia have long puzzled scholars with strange accounts of initiates experiencing otherworldly journeys. In this groundbreaking ...
Both of them were discovered in 1609 in the foundations of the façade of the church of San Pietro, Rome. M(atri) d(eum) m(agnae) I(deae) / et Attidi meno/tyranno ...