Moulds are decomposers, which means they break down organic matter such as dead plants, animals, and other organic materials. They do this by releasing enzymes to break down organic compounds into ...
His Majesty’s Government have decided after consultation with the Bank of England that it has become necessary to suspend for the time being the operation of Subsection (2) of Section 1 of the Gold ...
SUFFRAGETTES MOBBED AND BEATEN IN WALES: HAIR TORN FROM THE HEADS OF MR LLOYD GEORGE’S INTERRUPTERS There were scenes of the wildest disorder at Llanystymdwy on Saturday, when some suffragettes were ...
We offer training to develop skills, knowledge and understanding within the archives sector. Our training sessions are relevant from both an organisational and individual perspective. Please email us ...
Alan Hawes, railway engineer: reports, papers, notebooks rel to electrification of railways 1912-1995 (2012-7274) Peter Kenneth Kersey, senior railway inspector: papers pertaining to inspectorate work ...
(a) A German absorption of Czechoslovakia will enhance her military prestige, increase her war potential and probably enable her to dispose of stronger land forces against France and ourselves than ...
A ‘thrashing machine’ was invented in the later years of the eighteenth century to separate grain from the stalks and husks of corn- threshing machine in modern spelling. I am directed by the ...
The heinous and suicidal decision of the Punjab Boundary Commission has been implemented. To say the least, it is highly disappointing from the Sikh’s point of views- A clever British I lawyer has ...
A monthly round-up of news, blogs, offers and events.
A monthly round-up of news, blogs, offers and events.
A monthly round-up of news, blogs, offers and events.
Have just come through a particularly nasty period. We went into the trenches on Wednesday night and on Sunday morning at 5am our Artillery commenced bombarding the German trenches and after 20 ...