Two members of Pratt’s faculty are currently exhibiting their work at esteemed Venetian venues. Visiting Associate Professor of Interior Design and Undergraduate Architecture Nina Freedman is showing ...
Pratt Institute supports the use of service animals and emotional support animals on campus by students with disabilities in appropriate circumstances and in accordance with this policy. Any questions ...
The nation is preparing for a historic election this fall. Pratt seeks to encourage and support peaceful engagement, provide information for voters, and create space for community dialogue before, ...
Critical Conversations are structured and inclusive programs designed to encourage open dialogue, understanding, and solidarity within our diverse campus community through engaging and meaningful ...
Celebrate and honor the diversity and richness of human cultures at Pratt, through traditions, practices, values, beliefs, and customs, including heritage, religious, and spiritual holidays. Building ...
In six recent final projects, Pratt students set out to identify some of the key challenges and frustrations of travel—from small moments of discomfort to larger global issues—and devise innovative, ...
Discover the work of Pratt alumni in Prattfolio’s annual roundups of recently published books by and about Pratt graduates—from deep dives into design and visual journeys around the world, to personal ...
The Dean of the School of Art, Jorge Oliver, is pleased to invite you to RSVP for a special professional development workshop on Collaborative and Transcultural Artistic Practices being presented ...
Federal regulations require students to make satisfactory academic progress (SAP) toward the completion of a degree or certificate program in order to receive Title IV financial aid, which includes ...
We are in the process of developing the newest module for The Mindfulness Collaboratory. The development of this module and associated resources has been funded by The Frederick P. Lenz Foundation and ...
Critical Conversations: bridging pathways forward to greater understanding and creative solutions.