Predictive maintenance (PdM) technology allows organizations to continuously track equipment health, detecting early warning ...
Troubleshooting is a career path that can provide personal fulfillment and improve the lives of hundreds of facility workers.
Autonomous maintenance is defined as a maintenance strategy where machine operators continuously monitor their equipment, make adjustments and perform minor maintenance tasks on their machines. This ...
Criticality analysis is defined as the process of assigning assets a criticality rating based on their potential risk of failure. Criticality analysis is defined as the process of assigning assets a ...
Vibration analysis helps you monitor and detect issues using vibration data. Read about vibration analysis methodology, tools and techniques, vibration analysis measurement methods, and more.
Poka-yoke (pronounced PO-ka yo-KAY) is the use of a mechanism or device that helps an equipment operator (or anyone) avoid mistakes. In Japanese, poka-yoke translates ...
What is a Fishbone Diagram? A fishbone diagram is a cause-and-effect discovery tool that helps figure out the reason(s) for defects, variations or failures within a process. In other words, it helps ...
"Get your motor runnin'. Head out on the highway. Lookin' for adventure and whatever comes our way . . ." - lyrics from Steppenwolf's 1968 classic song "Born to Be Wild" The Harley-Davidson image is ...
Lean manufacturing or “going lean,” refers to a series of methods, philosophies and tools to minimize waste in your business and maximize production. Read about different ways your company can go lean ...
The Proactive Asset Reliability Process is shown in Figure 1. It is an integral part of a larger manufacturing business process. The Proactive Asset Reliability Process focuses on the maintenance of ...
Wouldn’t be nice if every new piece of equipment or system worked flawlessly from the moment it was installed and initiated until the first breakdown occurred many years later. That would be an ...
A maintenance program is only as good as its measurement data. Poor data may be worse than no data at all because poor data may lead to the wrong analysis, resulting in working on the wrong thing. One ...