Is the Xbox Series S better than the Ps4 Pro? : r/gaming - Reddit
Jun 5, 2021 · Series S has a far better CPU and a super fast HHD, but the GPU in the PS4 Pro does slightly beat the Series S. PS4 Pro is a PS4 that runs higher resolutions to look better on a 4K display. Series S is a Downscaled Series X made for playing Next Gen games at a lower resolution (1080P-1440P compared to Sereis X's 4K).
Should I get a PS4 pro or Xbox series S? : r/consoles - Reddit
Oct 25, 2022 · Series s, its much faster, loading times are non existent compared to ps4 pro, and it runs most games on 60 fps. Its definitely not as loud (I cannot hear it ever) and loading times, stuttering etc have never been a problem. I assume you've already played the PS4 exclusives, a ps4 pro is last gen and won't get games from the next year ...
xbox series s or ps4 : r/XboxSeriesS - Reddit
Series S is the next gen console, whereas PS4 is last gen. Series S will continue to get games and support whereas PS4 support will fizzle in the near future. I dont think PS4 is a bad purchase by any means, especially because it seems like you have some real reasons for …
PS4 Pro vs Xbox Series S : r/IGN - Reddit
Sep 11, 2020 · As far as computing power its light-years ahead of both the xbox one x and ps4 pro. The only thing the ps4 pro has on the series s is that it will barely run games in 4k 30fps, the series s doesn't target that though it targets 1440p at 120fps. The series x targets 4k at 120fps but we'll see about all that.
Is upgrading from a PS4 to a Series S worth it? : r/consoles - Reddit
Jul 27, 2023 · Hell yeah, I am personally waiting for xbox series x elite before I upgrade from a series s. Will be true 4k. The xbox series s is a powerfull little console, energy efficient and a upgrade over the one x or ps4 pro (dx12 vs dx10) not to mention a ssd instant resume and loading of games etc worth every penny.
Why I am choosing ps4 Pro instead of Xbox Series S : r/PS4Pro
Nov 15, 2021 · I have a ps4, a ps4 pro, and a ps5. Honestly, the biggest difference with the 5, is that it's silent. Since I have SSD's in all, I don't notice a huge difference in load times. Putting an SSD in the pro is one of the biggest quality of life changes around. Also, I like the ps4 controller better, since I added on the sony underbody button kit.
Xbox series S vs PS4 Pro : r/XboxSeriesS - Reddit
Currently i have ps4 pro, and want to buy xbox dt wanting to play microsoft flight simulator. However, i have 4k tv, and ps4 pro games looks nice with it. Does xbox series s will have that same quality? I will be playing with 30fps most of the …
Ps4 pro or Xbox series s? : r/XboxSeriesS - Reddit
Dec 1, 2022 · PS4 is last gen, Series S is new gen, thats all you need to know. This is a no brainer honestly, Series S has mutch newer hardware and tech is going to run longer, get newer games, etc. If you are looking at playing playstation games, but not the new ones, then get PS.
Should I buy a used PS4 Pro in 2023? A Xbox Series S? Or ... - Reddit
I have a Series X, Series S and a PS4 Pro. The step up from the PS4 to the Series S is absolutely massive. The step between the Series X and S is far less noticeable for MOST games. The one thing I will say is the lack of memory on a Series S is my biggest complaint. You can only really keep 4 games on the console at any given time.
Xbox Series S VS PS4 Pro : r/IndianGaming - Reddit
Sep 13, 2022 · The xbox series S allows you to do these things and more, on top of providing you with a very warm color palette during night time! (lowering blue light exposure) This little (smallest xbox ever!) beast has some insane performance if you're used to …